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The Magic of Coaching


Coaching is a gift. It is a sacred space and time, created especially for YOU. And that is what a coach does. They hold a space for you. A sacred time and space that is dedicated to YOU, whoever you are, for whatever your needs are in that moment, time and space.

Every good coach should have a coach, as well as be a coach to others, and I enjoy being coached almost as much as I love coaching. Coaching is such a wonderul and dynamic partnership.

As a coach myself, I am especially aware of the unique and beautiful relationship that develops between a coach and their client.

I like to think of coaching as a win-win-win situation. In coaching, there are no losers. The magic of coaching is that Everyone wins!

A coach does not set out to win. A coachs goal is to get their client through the finishing line in first place, and they focus their energy and attention on enabling their client to do just that.

A coach's client sets out to win, but in doing so gives the gift of themself to their coach. As a client, you will share a close intimate personal relationship with your coach, laying your soul bare in away that you will do with no other person, sure in the knowledge that whatever you share will be held safe and sacred in the arms of your coach.

Everyone around you wins! As you start to succeed, improve and uplift in the various areas of your life, so you automatically uplift those around you.

"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” from A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson

I am so thankful and grateful to all the coaches that have been part of my life. Each one has something special to offer, and each one has been gracious enough to share their gifts with me.

I thank them all and love each and every one of them, for being part of my life, and for the part they have played in helping shape me into the person I am today, and the person I am growing to be.

I look forward with excitement to my own ongoing coaching journey and I invite and encourage you to do the same!

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